Privacy policy and legal information
- Copyright
- Disclaimer
- Information Routinely Collected
- Cookies
- Google Analytics
- Use of Constituent Email Addresses
- Public Access to Information
- Online Profiling
- Advertising
- Hyperlink Policy
- Security
- Data Security
- Warning
365买球app下载网站上的所有内容版权©2011由科罗拉多州365买球app下载所有. All Rights Reserved. All content included on Garfield County websites, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, download files, data compilations, and software, is the property of Garfield County, Colorado, or the supplier of the content, and is protected by the United States and international copyright laws. 加菲县网站上所有内容的编辑是加菲县的专有财产, Colorado and protected by the United States and international copyright laws. All software used on Garfield County websites is the property of Garfield County, Colorado, or its software suppliers, and protected by the United States and international copyright laws.
Privacy Statement
The Garfield County website has many links to other websites. 这些可能包括链接到其他政府机构运营的其他网站的网站或i-frame, nonprofit organizations and private businesses. When you click on a link to another site or view information within an i-frame, 您不再在365买球app下载网站,本隐私政策将不适用. 当您点击另一个网站的链接时,您必须遵守该新网站的隐私政策.
Neither Garfield County, nor any agency, officer, or employee of Garfield County warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this site, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products or services linked from this site, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. 任何个人或实体依赖从本网站获得的任何信息,其风险由其自行承担.
Please note that the Internet is an evolving medium. 我们对现行政策生效期间收集的信息的使用将始终与现行政策保持一致, even if we later change that policy. Garfield County reserves the right to make changes, corrections and/or improvements at any time and without notice. In addition, 365买球app下载不承担因错误直接或间接造成的损害的任何责任, omissions or discrepancies.
这个365买球app下载网站仅供公众提供信息和教育目的. 尽管我们已尽一切努力在本网站的页面上提供准确及时的信息, 本文件所载资料须经常更正及修订,未必代表最新版本. 本网站信息的读者有责任核实其准确性和相关性, and any use of this information is undertaken at the reader’s sole risk. 365买球app下载不保证本网站提供的信息的及时性或准确性,365买球app下载不对网站内容中的任何错误或遗漏或依赖所提供的信息而采取的任何行动负责.
本网站“按原样”提供,不作任何形式的明示或暗示的保证. 您不应假设本网站没有错误,也不应假设本网站适合您在使用本网站时所想到的特定目的.
In no event shall Garfield County be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, 因使用或履行本网站或由本网站引用或链接到本网站的其他文件而产生或与之有关.
Personally Identifiable Information on Casual Visitors Not Collected and Retained
You may choose whether to provide personal information online.
就本声明而言,“个人身份信息”是指与作为信息主体的已识别或可识别个人相关的任何信息. 个人信息包括个人的姓名、地址和电话号码. A domain name or Internet Protocol address is not considered personal information.
您不必提供个人信息访问365买球app下载的网站阅读, download or print information. 365买球app下载不会在网上收集您的个人信息,除非您通过发送电子邮件自愿提供给我们, participating in a survey, or completing an online form. 政府机构可能会要求您提供个人身份信息,以便提供您所要求的特定服务. 为此目的收集的任何信息只会是提供这些服务所必需的信息,并将按照亲自访问政府办公室的方式进行处理. You may choose not to contact us by email, 参与调查或使用在线表格提供任何个人信息. However, if you choose to provide personal information, this information is a public record once you provide it, 如果不受联邦或州法律的保护,可能会受到公众的检查和复制.
Some Unidentifiable Information Routinely Collected
In order to provide new services, design a more customer friendly site and facilitate access to it, Garfield County analyzes traffic on the site. 不能识别个人身份的信息,如访问的网页或服务, IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, date, time, and browser types and versions are collected and used for this purpose. 本网站不会尝试将此数据与个人身份信息(如电子邮件地址)相关联。.
Cookies是放置在你电脑上的文本文件,用来帮助网站分析用户如何使用网站. Garfield County does not monitor your web-browsing activities with cookies. However, cookies may be used by some County applications (e.g. property search, etc.) when necessary to complete a transaction, process data submitted to us online, or pass information from one Web page to another.
Google Analytics
365买球app下载网站使用谷歌分析,谷歌公司提供的网络分析服务. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies.“由cookie生成的有关您使用本网站的信息(包括您的IP地址)将被传输到谷歌位于美国的服务器上并由谷歌存储. 谷歌将使用这些信息来评估您对本网站的使用情况, 为网站运营商编写网站活动报告,并提供与网站活动和互联网使用有关的其他服务. 谷歌也可以在法律要求的情况下将这些信息转移给第三方, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. 您可以通过在浏览器上选择适当的设置来拒绝使用cookie, however, 请注意,如果您这样做,您可能无法使用本网站的全部功能. By using this website, 您同意谷歌以上述方式和目的处理有关您的数据.
Use of Constituent Email Addresses
由于对365买球app下载网站的请求而获得的电子邮件地址将不会被出售或提供给其他私人公司用于营销目的. 发送到365买球app下载网站的电子邮件或其他信息请求可能会被保留,以便对请求作出回应或将请求转发给适当的部门. You may be able to receive updates on issues important to you, but only if you choose to “opt-in” to that specific service. By “opting-in” to one such service you do not “opt-in” to other services. 如果您随后选择不通过电子邮件接收此类信息更新,您可以随时删除自己.
Public Access to Information
In the State of Colorado, 法律的存在是为了确保政府是开放的,公众有权获得县政府拥有的适当记录和信息. 365买球app下载互联网网站中包含的或与之相关的所有内容均受《365彩票全部平台》规定的约束, § 24-72-201 et seq., C.R.S., as amended. At the same time, 公众获取公共记录的权利也有例外,这些记录是为了满足包括个人隐私在内的各种需要. Exceptions are provided by both state and federal laws.
Pursuant to the Colorado Public (Open) Records Act, 本网站收集的所有信息都可能成为公众记录,并可能被公众查阅和复制, unless an exemption in law exists. 科罗拉多州公共(公开)记录法之外的一些州法律保护特定的记录. For example, 科罗拉多州公共卫生和环境部以及人类服务部持有的某些医疗记录根据单独的法律不予披露. 监管机构、商业和许可委员会保存的调查记录可以豁免. 具体的联邦法律可以规定是否可以披露某些信息或文件. Careful legal research is required to evaluate each request for public records.
如果本隐私声明与《365彩票全部平台》或管理记录披露的其他法律之间存在冲突, the Colorado Public (Open) Records Act or other applicable law will control.
Online Profiling
在线分析是收集居民偏好和兴趣信息的一种做法, 主要通过跟踪他们在网上的活动,并利用由此产生的公民档案在网站上创建有针对性的内容来收集信息. Garfield County does not conduct or participate in online profiling.
Content Pushing
内容推送是将应用程序和信息自动传递给用户,包括使用广播电子邮件. 只有在您事先授权的情况下,我们才会针对每项特定服务提供选择加入的服务. 您必须能够随时通过万维网将自己从该服务中删除. Opting-in for one service does not constitute opting-in for all services. In order to opt-in you must be informed exactly what service you are requesting, what information is required in order to provide that service, 以及如果您选择这样做,如何随后将自己从该服务中删除.
All forms of advertising are prohibited on the Garfield County website.
Linkage Policy
The Garfield County website, www.garfield-county.. com和任何指向365买球app下载所有网站的域名都是作为公共服务提供的. 这些网站由365买球app下载通信部门监督,但内容由各个部门管理. Garfield County makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided via the website. 365买球app下载明确拒绝承担任何和所有责任的任何索赔或损害可能导致提供网站或其包含的信息, 包括由第三方维护的、链接到本县网站或在本县网站上以i-frame形式呈现的任何网站. 内容的责任在于提供信息的组织. 包含这些网站的链接并不意味着365买球app下载的认可. 有关任何内容的具体问题应直接向适当的组织提出. Garfield County makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information on pages outside of the County’s website. Garfield County does not endorse any of the products, vendors, consultants, or documentation referenced in this website. Any mention of vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
Linking to Garfield County
符合特定标准的组织或实体只有在声明的重点或目的是直接促进健康的情况下,才允许使用来自365买球app下载网站的超链接, safety, welfare, or general commerce of the residents and visitors of Garfield County. If you link to any Garfield County-owned site, you may not portray any person or subject in a false or misleading light. You must also refrain from creating frames, or using other visual altering tools, around the Garfield County pages. 最后,你不能暗示365买球app下载认可你的产品或服务.
Hyperlinks shall not be made available to any newspapers, periodicals, or any other similar news gathering organization or entity, 由于担心政治或意识形态材料的传播被俘虏的观众. Notwithstanding the foregoing, press releases prepared by Garfield County, for release to the press, may be made available on the website, 任何这样的新闻机构都可以从自己的网站超链接到365买球app下载的网站.
Garfield County, as developer and manager of the Garfield County website, 执行安全措施,以保障其数据的完整性,并防止未经授权访问由县维护的信息. These measures are designed and intended to prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of private information in our possession.
365买球app下载网站上的这些信息不应以任何方式被解释为提供业务, legal, or other advice, 或保证通过365买球app下载网站提供的信息的安全性.
Data Security and Quality
365买球app下载致力于从政府网站提供或收集的个人身份数据的安全性和准确性,并采取了合理的预防措施来保护个人身份信息免受损失, misuse, or alteration. 对这些信息负责的任何第三方都遵守同样的原则, 并根据合同要求遵循与365买球app下载相同的政策和指导方针来保护这些信息.
Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this website, 包括未经授权更改网站上任何在线表格的措辞, are strictly prohibited. 更改可下载表格或网上表格的措辞会使表格无效. Unauthorized interference with the operations and functions of this website, by electronic or other means, is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to use any information, 在网站特色或其他方面从事犯罪行为将被大力追究. 任何非法行为都可能受到刑事起诉,也可能导致民事责任.